Tuesday, October 15, 2013

And The Hits Just Keep On Coming....

It has been far too long since I have graced this page. From this point on, you will have more of me. I want to continue the original direction with photos and adventures that I may take from time to time. These shots were taken over the summer. Its amazing the results of a great football rivalry and the luxury of having a bowl party at the Landings Marshwood Club.
Take these for instance.... Here are shots of an event that took place in Chicago... Yes, my camera has a motto just like I do... "Have party, will travel." This was a high school reunion of a private school in Chicago. I must say, these people really knew how to have fun...
Now take a gander at a few more random shots that I had the chance to take throughout this year.....
Just think, the year is not over yet... There are so many things going on in Savannah and around this lovely country that I hope my camera can catch what I can.. This situation with the government though is really getting out of hand. If you are reading this, you know that I am a veteran and a staunch veteran advocate. I am not promoting violence of any kind, but people really need to stand up and voice their feelings about what is really going on. The next post will get deeper. I just wanted to get back into the swing of things again.... Until that time... Trust and Be Blessed

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

New Year New Direction

Here we are again.... Happy New Year and welcome to Savannah Through My Lens. As stated in earlier post; the direction of this blog is steady changing or better yet evolving into something more than a place for my photos. The past few years have been an experience beyond what I have expected. Loved and lost. Failed in health. Traveled extensivelyy, only to come back home to be a toruist in my own hometown. I love it. This page will always take its readers to places beyond Savannah GA, but it definitely will exhault the city I love so dearly and everything it has to offer. The photo added here is a symbol of life for me. A ship docked in a port, only to explore the main land and then off to the next adventure. I can't wait to share more here with you and continue to let this blog be even more the therapeutic outlet for me.... Happy reading and Happy shooting... By the way... If you see something interesting... Take a picture.. It will last forever.

A Tribute To Michael Jackson - The Passing of An Icon

GA to DC Road trip... At least a glimpse

AASU Gospel Choir

Wow !!! It Actually Happened

The Sensational Savannah Trustees Theater Event - Chad & Alicia Coopers "Church Mess"

Savannah At Its Best